Monday, June 20, 2011

Educational Philosophy

I believe that every student should have a fair and equal opportunity to learn as much as they can from my classroom. My role as an educator is to provide the best environment possible for the student to obtain as much information about my course and applications of the course. The best environment for my students would be one that the student feels comfortable and safe. My students should always feel that they can ask about and question the lesson until they truly understand it. I want my students to always feel confident in their learning whether it is the answers they give or the questions they ask. No student should ever feel timid to learn. I will set guidelines in my classroom about what I expect from my students when it comes to courtesy and respect. These guidelines will help students understand how to act in my classroom and how to show respect to peers to that each student feels safe and comfortable.

As an educator, I will always remember that not only am I teaching a classroom as a whole, but the classroom is made of individuals. For every student that I ever teach and reach out to, I will keep in mind that they are different then the next. My students are individuals and I will always be sensitive to this. Not only are they are individuals in the sense of their learning abilities, but I will also keep in mind the diversity in my classroom. Whether it is race, religion, ethnicity, home life, etc., I will treat each student with the respect they deserve and understand that their differences affect how they learn.

One big goal that I do have is to be creative with my students and to try to relate to my students. Creativity is so important in keeping students interested in a lesson in my opinion. I will try my best to think outside of the box and relate the lesson to outside the classroom. I feel the most effective teachers are ones that reach out to students both in and outside the classroom. Even the smallest relation to a student could make the biggest difference. Not only will I go out of my way to figure out how my students learn best, but I will also go out of my way to figure out what interests my students outside the classroom. I will do this by asking questions to my students, my colleagues, and those who live in the community.

Not only do I have a lot of goals inside the classroom with my students, but I also have goals outside my classroom with the community. I believe that every parent or guardian of a student of mine should feel comfortable coming to me and talking to me. I am more than willing to listen and cooperate and even compromise with the parents to make every one comfortable, especially my student. My relationship with my colleagues and administration is one where I will observe and try to learn a great deal from, especially in my early years as an educator. It is a relationship where I would love to learn from them as well as teach them things about myself. With the community, I will try to become involve whether it is helping with clubs and sports, or being seen in the community in a positive way, such as volunteering. I want to be an educator both inside and outside the classroom. I am looking forward to being a role model and have not only my students, but the whole community look up to me in a positive light.

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