Friday, July 1, 2011

Price - Teacher Identity Video


  1. This video means a lot to me because it was shown to me by one of my high school math teachers once she found out that I wanted to pursue math education at Illinois State. She has been one of my biggest mentors and I remember when I first made the decision to get into teaching, I had was somewhat comprehensive. I remember talking to her about the pros and cons of education and then she sent me this video.

    This video is of Taylor Mali who talks about an experience he had at a dinner party where someone was questioning what he makes. He explains the power he has in the classroom and how he affects his students. It is inspiring because it reminds me that my relationships with my students can be very influential. One part that sticks out specifically is grading - he says how he can make a C+ feel like a congressional honor or an A- feel like a stab in the back. I do believe that teachers hold this power and need to use it responsibly. I always enjoying watching this once in a while to remind myself that I can make a difference to my students.

  2. thanks Samantha, very passionate and authentic!


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