Thursday, July 14, 2011

UbD Stage One

Introduction to Geometer’s Sketchpad for Teachers

Summary of Curricular Context: This learning experience is for teachers across one district. It is a professional development meeting on learning more about Geometer’s Sketchpad and also on how to implement the program in their lessons for their students. Geometer’s Sketchpad is a computer program where you can create and manipulate different geometric problems to lead to understanding theories and proofs in geometry classes. The learners vary in experience from novice teachers to very experienced teachers therefore the technology knowledge vary within this group. I anticipate that almost all learners will not know how to use Geometer’s Sketchpad but they do know how to use basic computer functions, such as email, internet, etc. I also know that since most of them are learning this program for the first time, they will need to know how to use the program to implement it into a lesson. Another topic they will also learn is how to teach their students how to use the program so the technology is a success in the classroom.

Objectives for Lesson: The objective of this lesson is to have educators be able to use and implement Geometer’s Sketchpad in the classroom.

Lesson Goal: There are two goals in this presentation. The first goal is for teachers to be able to use and understand basic functions of Geometer’s Sketchpad. The second goal is for teachers to be able to design a lesson that incorporates Geometer’s Sketchpad to enhance the students learning of geometry.

Stage 1

Enduring Understandings

  1. What is Geometer’s Sketchpad?
  2. In what ways will Geometer’s Sketchpad enhance my students learning?

Essential Questions

  1. When proving similar triangles, how can I use Geometer’s Sketchpad to enhance students learning?
  2. How much time should be spent teaching my students how to learn Geometer’s Sketchpad?
  3. How does teaching proofs on Geometer’s Sketchpad differ from teaching proofs through lectures?

Knowledge & Skills



*Know basic functions of Geometer’s Sketchpad

*Know how to use Geometer’s Sketchpad to construct geometric figures

*Know how to use Geometer’s Sketchpad to manipulate shapes so you can solve geometric proofs

*Know why technology can benefit students learning in math.

*Know how to incorporate technology into the classroom in an efficient way

*Know when it is appropriate to use technology to teach proofs in geometry


  1. Sam,
    This sounds like a very interesting program! It is great to do a professional development on it, because I'm sure many teachers wouldn't know how to use it.
    At the end of your summary you said that they would need to be able to teach the students how to use it, but it wasn't included in your lesson. Is this a goal?
    From my understanding, the enduring understandings are things that should be deeper questions that shouldn't have a "recall" answer. Defining what the program is is like a recall, but maybe "How can I use this is my classroom" or something along those lines.

    July 15, 2011 10:44 AM

  2. Sam,
    I liked how you integrated technology into your lesson. I think that students respond really well to a lesson when technology is involved, so including professional development that involves technology is very useful.
    Is Geometer’s Sketchpad a program that most schools have already? If not, is it expensive?
    One suggestion that I would have is to give examples of possible lessons during your learning experience with your teachers. This way, the teachers can see it successfully implemented in the classroom. Maybe you could include a video!

  3. I think this is a really good lesson and has veru important implications for teachers who would potentially go through this seminar.
    I have never heard of Geometers sketch pad, probably because I am not a math teacher but i was wondering how prevelant it was in schools and if any of the teachers would have already gone through some training with the program
    I think that one good way to importve the lesson is to have breaks where teachers learn different ways to use the program in their classrooms and then allow themt o practice. Great lesson


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